Thursday, December 9, 2010

A New Hope by George Lucas

The Ordinary World
Luke is at his house.

The Call to Adventure
Luke sees the message from Princess Leia on a disk in R2D2.

Refusal of the Call
Luke doesn't want to go he has to much to do here.

Meeting the Mentor
Luke meets Ben Kenobi trying to find R2D2 after he ran away.

Crossing the Threshold
Luke leaves his home to go help Princess Leia. They enter a bar to find a pilot to fly them to Alderaan. They leave Tatooine.

Tests, Allies, Enemies
Luke, Ben, Han, Chewy, R2D2, and C3PO are all trapped by the Death Star.  They must save Princess Leia and escape.  They plan to save the Princess and deactivate the tracker beam.

The Ordeal
They meet lots of stormtroopers trying to save Leia.  The Jump that Luke makes with Leia is an Ordeal.  The main Ordeal is the death of Ben Kenobi.

Luke joins the rebels on Yavin IV.

The Road Back
Luke commits to helping lead an attack against the Death Star.

The Resurrection
Luke is flying through the trench on the Death Star and Vader is right behind him and hits his X-wing.  Han blows up the Death Star.

Return with the Elixir
Luke, Han, Chewy, R2D2, C3PO are all reward at the end reward ceremony.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Coward Of The County"

Once there was a boy.  His father told him not to fight, just to turn the other check.  One day some boys were messing with his sweetheart.  This time he could not sit by and watch.  The boy finally stands up to the bullies.  He showed all the county wrong.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Posted by Bowser Jr.
The Phantom of the Opera is luring Christine down into his lair under the opera.  He is getting her to sing herself into a trance by singing but how he is her angle of music.  They are being cased by the cast of the opera and the management.

Posted by Captain Jack 
Sara is on a data with Jason.  Jason is trying to control Sara's life and she finally has all she can take.  She continues to tell him off.  Then Sara leaves Jason.

Posted by Mr. Fredrickson
Taylor is watching as the boy she loves is dating the cheer captain.  Taylor feels that the boy is being miss treated and knows that the boy really belongs with her.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Six Word Memoirs

10. Moving Saturday still swore on Tuesday.
9. Keep moving till you can't move.
8. Don't tell me I can not.
7. If you don't want to, don't.
6. That man owes me money, again.
5. I didn't really kill anyone yet.
4. Future looked good, now it doesn't.
3. Everything I didn't do I failed.
2. You can run and tell that.
1. Tried till it was to hard.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Song lyrics

Phantom Of  The Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Characters: Christine, Phantom,  People chasing them.
Plot: Christine is being taken in a haze to the phantom's labyrinth.
Conflict: The phantom is trying to take her to his hideout and they are being chased,  I guess at this point he gets what he wants.
Setting: Labyrinth, in the past.
Theme: Good versus Evil,  Love never dies, Beauty is not only on the outside.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Impulse II

Two men are stilling in the lobby of an extremely nice bank.  The lobby is busy but not above normal.  One man is in line waiting for a teller to help him.  The other man is sitting on a comfortable chair reading a paper.
His name is Rob.  The man waiting in line is named John. 
Rob:  Everyone this is a stick up.
Rob:  I said this is a stick up everyone get down.
Rob:  Sir get down like everyone else don't make me shoot.
John:  Oh sorry...
Rob:  Just be quiet and don't move.  You teller give me the money from the safe.
John:  Where is your the rest of your crew.
Rob:  I don't have a crew.  Why am i telling you this?
John:  Let me join your crew.
Rob:  No you are my hostage.
John:  Yeah so then you can bring me with you cut me in on the loot and the cops will think you have a real hostage because we have never met.
Rob:  That is nice proposal.

John:  It will work out great you will have a clean get away and I will keep some of the money and not tell the cops anything.
Rob:  Alright it's a deal.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Impulse

A busy Coffee shop on late winter weekend afternoon.  It is snowing outside.  In the coffee shop it warm a little too warm.  Coats and jackets are slung across the backs of the bothes seats and hanging on hooks.  Two strangers are seating by one another at the counter.  One of then is a man and the other a woman.  The woman is looking at the menu, but the man is look straight ahead.  The woman looked up from her menu and said.
W:  Do you come here often?
M:  Are you talking to me?
W:  Yes
M:  Well no I have never been here.
W:  Do you know what you want to order.
M:  I am not here to order.
W:  Then what are you doing?
M:  If it had anything to do with you, you'd know.
W:  Well sorry it sound important, I will leave you alone.
M:  I didn't mean to come off so rude.
W:  Oh, no I understand.
M:  If you understood you would not be here any more.
W:  What are you talking about.  If you don't want to seat by me there a few seats open at the end there.
M:  That's not it.
W:  Then what is it?
Man wearing a black jacket:  Every one leave. NOW!
W: What is going on?
M:  You heard the man we have to leave.
W:  How... how... you knew didn't you.
M:  What are you talking about.
Man wearing a black jacket:  I said everyone out!
W:  He has a gun!
M:  You have to leave.
MWABJ:  Are you ready?
M:  Not yet.
W:  Do you know him?
M:  Yeah I do.
MWABJ:  It's time.
M:  Not yet.
W:  Who are you?
MWABJ:  I told you not to talk to anyone.
M:  I said leave!
MWABJ:  What are you doing?
W: What did you do?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bad Poetry

Baby I don't understand
Days like these
I know they come
but girl we didn't start the fire
breathing fire
Got into an accident
right after school
but when they finally
came we were long gone
Police at the door
its not my house
somehow we know
somewhere we feel
work got done
now were gone
now we know
now we feel

Friday, October 1, 2010

Direct Orders

You have been given direct orders to rock out!
So rock our like she said yes.
Rock our like you passed an AP test.
Rock out like Heroes is coming back on TV.
Like you got called into your bosses office thinking you were going to get fired and he gave you a promotion.
Rock out like you want people to think you like this song.
Like you killed the last alien after they invaded.
Rock out like you got a Hole-in-one.
Rock out like you just got off a deserted island.
Like you only have 1,000,000 and 750,000 left in Deal or no Deal.
Then rock out like you didn't take the deal and then you opened your case and saw the 1,000,000 in there.
Rock out like you got 10,000 points in skii ball on accident.

Shake the Dust

This is for the kids that can't hold their tongue.
This is for the people that are happy with their pointless jobs.
Shake the dust
This is for the underachievers.
For the indecisive.
Shake the dust
This is for the girls who have two dates to prom.
This is for the boy who wouldn't talk to that girl.
Shake the dust
This is for the person who sits back and listens.
For the shy. 
Shake the dust
This is for the people who walk the same steps every day.
For the bench warmers
Shake the dust
Grab what you call your world and mix it up.  Don't do the same thing twice. Don't the the dust settle in all around and envelope you in a stale unchanging life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm Thinking about You

I'm Thinking about you like plugs think about outlets. Like printers about ink. Like ice thinks about water. I'm thinking about you like eagles think about the sky. Like windmills think about wind. Like socks think about shoes and shoes think about shoelaces. I'm thinking about you like thanksgiving thinks about thanking people. Like people think about other people. Like clouds think about the sky. I'm thinking about you like off thinks about on. Like second thinks about first. Like when I am thinking about you I am still thinking about you in the back of my mind.

Love is...

10. Love is a stapler
9. Love is a perfect storm
8. Love is a sweet shirt (only you know where it came form)
7. Love is a leprechaun
6. Love is a criminal record
5. Love is a car (some look really cool but don't have any value)
4. Love is a electrical outlet (sometimes it can shock you)
3. Love is an agenda
2. Love is a decorated Christmas tree (sometimes you think the tree looks ugly but the person that made it still likes it)
1. Love is a fire alarm (it warns when you could get burned)

Sunday, September 5, 2010


My pen name is Bowser Jr. he is a character from Mario Cart Double Dash I loved to play this game when I was younger.  I played this game with my family and some of my uncles.  I was very good at this game.  Bowser Jr. was one of my favorites to play as.
I took this class because I wanted to take the second half of Mythology but not the first and this is a half year class.  I also took creative writing because I didn't want to take English 12. But I have heard this class is fun too so I stayed in and did not just take both halves of Mythology.
I like basketball and football but also most other sports.  I like cars and love to ride go carts.  I also like to play golf and mini golf.  I love hanging out with friends and going to movies, BYU and Lone Peak football games, and basketball games.  I have a job and that takes up a lot of time up what I have stated above is what I like to do when I am not working.