You have been given direct orders to rock out!
So rock our like she said yes.
Rock our like you passed an AP test.
Rock out like Heroes is coming back on TV.
Like you got called into your bosses office thinking you were going to get fired and he gave you a promotion.
Rock out like you want people to think you like this song.
Like you killed the last alien after they invaded.
Rock out like you got a Hole-in-one.
Rock out like you just got off a deserted island.
Like you only have 1,000,000 and 750,000 left in Deal or no Deal.
Then rock out like you didn't take the deal and then you opened your case and saw the 1,000,000 in there.
Rock out like you got 10,000 points in skii ball on accident.
Good job! This is very good! :)